
A dotfile, in the sense punktf uses it, can be of two different kinds:

  • A normal file
  • A directory containing files

The options for both are the same (look at [[Profiles|Profiles]] for more details), but they differ in some ways:

  1. If a directory get's deployed all files contained within it will also get deployed.

  2. The contents of a directory are put in the root of the deployment target directory

    For example:

    • /home/demo
    • dotfile.path: config_linux (is directory)

    Then all children of config_linux will be deployed under /home/demo e.g. /home/demo/.bashrc

    This behaviour can be influenced in two different ways:

    1. Set dotfile.overwrite_target: This will used instead of All files will still land in the root.

    2. Set dotfile.rename: With this option a name for the directory can be set

      For example:

      • /home/demo
      • dotfile.path: config_linux (is directory)
      • dotfile.rename: .config

      Then all children of config_linux will be deployed under /home/demo/.config e.g. /home/demo/.config/.bashrc