Content Transformer

Transforms run once for each defined dotfile during the deploy process.

They can either be specified for a whole profile, in which case each dotfile is transformed by them or they can be attached to a specific dotfile.

A transform takes the contents of a dotfile, processes it and returns a new version of the content.

The contents are either a resolved template or a non-template dotfile.

Order of execution

  1. Content transformers specified in the profile
  2. Content transformers specified in the specific dotfile

Available Transformers


The LineTerminator transformer replaces all occurrences of one kind of line terminator with a other one.


  • LF will replace all \r\n with a single \n (windows style -> unix style)
  • CRLF will replace all \n with a \r\n (unix style -> windows style)


Define the following in either the root of the profile or a specific dotfile:

  - LineTerminator: CRLF